Let’s face it…the wine is what it’s really all about. It gets people in the door and with any luck…keeps them coming back! Erin and I are committed to making amazing, hand-crafted wines from some of the best vineyards we can find. I know what you’re thinking right about now…”isn’t making wine kind of what we’re supposed to do?” Absolutely. We do our very best to produce wines that are at the same time familiar and unexpected. The familiarity piece comes from some of the grapes that we work with (ZInfanfel, Syrah and even Tempranillo). The unexpected piece comes from our style. The wines we make are balanced and approachable – a little more “old world” than new. The end results (hopefully) are wines that taste really good, are complex yet easy to enjoy and can stand on their own or be paired with just about anything. Learn more about what we’re now pouring!

We only make about 1,600 cases of wine a year…and as I’m sure you’ve already picked up on…we do most of the work ourselves. These two things are what make us a craft winery. And we want to keep it that way. This is our passion and we cannot wait to share what we love with you!